There comes a time when all electronics must face the day they have officially been outdated and left in the wake of newly founded technology. Meanwhile, older technologies are still afloat existing in budgeted environments using old analog devices like VCRs, DVD players, and Camcorders. The question is, are they still relevant or should they be recycled? If this […]
presentation switch
How to Connect the BG-PS41-BYOD-4K Presentation Switcher for Small- to Medium-Size Conference Rooms
Electronics can be intimidating to the average user unfamiliar with technical terminology, styles of AV connections, and the different types of distinctive cabling required. In this DIY article, we are discussing how to connect and set up the BG-PS41-BYOD-4K presentation switcher designed for small to medium-sized conference and presentation rooms. BG-PS41-BYOD-4K Presentation Switcher Let’s go over some of the offered […]
Boost Every Meeting with a Wireless Presentation Switcher
In today’s business world, time is a critical factor when it comes to connecting to devices that assist employees and visitors with conferencing and the ability to present material professionally without downtime. Visitors typically are on a very tight schedule, and the last thing a business wants is to look unprofessional or unorganized, costing them and the other party time and […]
Modernize Every Meeting For Efficiency with a Collaboration Presentation Switcher
Many businesses today are utilizing a Collaboration Presentation switcher as a critical component in their conference and meeting rooms. The reason for this technology is that most environments have what’s referred to as a mixed environment. This means there is a vast array of end-users and a variety of devices, including Computers, LCD Displays, Projectors, Cameras, Phones, and Tablets. […]