Post CEDIA EXPO 2013 wrap up.


CEDIA EXPO 2013 was welcomed with open arms when it returned to Denver, CO. Many attendees and exhibitors favor the mile high city location, however is it the remedy for previous lackluster CEDIA shows? Was 2013’s CEDIA EXPO everything everyone hoped it would be?

From my experience, the first day of the show is not the busiest, however the moment I stepped into the convention center, it felt like a concert. People everywhere and music blaring while lights and displays brightened an already radiant atmosphere. I felt like I may have missed out on something; an event I should have attended or training concerning the wave of the AV future. Whatever it was, the masses of people on the first day of the first hour was surely shocking.

The mood at the show was upbeat with enthusiasm for 4k 2k plastered on most booths. HDBaseT seems to be very popular now and is becoming a standard on matrixes, extenders, etc. Class D amplifiers are getting smaller and digital amps are making a lot of appearances.  My perception is that there were many people at the show that were not too technical, which is good because that means the industry is growing. According to the graph below by Strata-gee, the number of Exhibitors has risen compared to the previous 4 years.

Attendance was better than a few years ago when everyone was suffering from a recovering economy. Is the past behind us and are consumers coming out of their cave? Hopefully, CEDIA will continue to explore new ways to continue to add more value to Expo – for the benefit of attendees, exhibitors…and the industry. Until then, see you next year Denver!