Presentation Switcher Scaler

Analog to HDMI Presentation Switcher Scaler Revives Legacy Devices

There comes a time when all electronics must face the day they have officially been outdated and left in the wake of newly founded technology. Meanwhile, older technologies are still afloat existing in budgeted environments using old analog devices like VCRs, DVD players, and Camcorders. The question is, are they still relevant or should they be recycled?   If this […]

Collaboration Presentation Switcher

Modernize Every Meeting For Efficiency with a Collaboration Presentation Switcher

Many businesses today are utilizing a Collaboration Presentation switcher as a critical component in their conference and meeting rooms. The reason for this technology is that most environments have what’s referred to as a mixed environment. This means there is a vast array of end-users and a variety of devices, including Computers, LCD Displays, Projectors, Cameras, Phones, and Tablets.    […]

multi-format presentation switcher

The Advantages of Integrating a Multi-Format Presentation Switcher to a Conference Room.

Every company has a conference room or meeting room. Today’s conference room is certainly much more different than the conference room your father was accustomed to. Let’s take a step back to the 90’s when the AV equipment found in a conference rooms included an overhead projector for large transparencies and a pull-down screen. The presenter would dim the lights […]